After you place an order with us, you'll receive a confirmation email. Then, once your order has shipped, you'll get another email with tracking information and instructions on how to track your package. Here's a breakdown of how long it will take to receive your order:

  • Processing time: This is the time it takes to get your order ready to ship from our international warehouse. This includes preparing your items, doing quality checks, and packing them up. It usually takes 1-5 business days.
  • Shipping time: This is the time it takes for your order to travel from our warehouse to your destination.

In total, it usually takes 8-12 business days to receive your order. Keep in mind that these estimates are based on normal circumstances and aren't a guarantee of delivery times. We're not responsible for delays due to things like natural disasters, bad weather, war, or public holidays.

Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be shipping and processing delays. This is mainly because logistics companies are operating with fewer staff and there are fewer international flights available.

Your order will be delivered by Buffalo or Fastway Couriers to your door or to a Pargo or Paxi drop-off point. Buffalo Courier will decide which option is best depending on which courier is available first for delivery.

Unfortunately, we don't offer full refunds under the following circumstances:

  1. Delays caused by the buyer providing incorrect or incomplete delivery information
  2. Delays due to any force majeure incidents like natural disasters, bad weather, or war
  3. Any un-insured orders that are lost or stolen
  4. Delays due to things beyond our control like public holidays

The estimated delivery time may also vary depending on your location and where your order is coming from. If you have any questions or need any assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.


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